Monday, November 26, 2012

This afternoon..

I'm going to re-sit my workshop-theory phase test 1...I just hoping that..Can u workshop-theory be medium easy to me???

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Oh my goodness!!Under pressure!!!

Last time..there's IT assignment(on PLAGIARISM) and due date is 26th NOV 2012. But then suddenly..MIB work about essay(which I need to do!) also come along..and this also need to submit before holiday..How can I finish them??Plus again I have to re-sit my other exam and its really under-pressure..Btw I just try to do by one!

Monday, November 19, 2012

I didnt

Today...I get to know my result and Is not what I expected!But its ok..I'll try and try one more time..Now I got at least 3 paper needed to be re-sit...I think there more paper..that I didnt do very well-Such as maths,electricity,workshop theory...gek and more...This wednesday would be Gek retest and elect retest..and workshop theory..I forget to ask!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Left a few of our exam..(Mariners)

Sorry for late updating my blogs.. .as you can see that all students'(Mkjb-ians) are busy preparing for their each exam.For me also busy preparing for every exam..First it was ET,GEK,NAVAL,MS,WT,IGT,MATHS and lastly it was ENGLISH(19th of Nov)At first I quite have confidence in Naval..but then the result did not reach my expectation~!!!I JUST PASS~!I wish like getting merit or more than that...Gonna dod my revision on my IGT.. Got to Go bye*2~See you soon=D

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Worst day...

This what it looks like on the day before my first exam started(2/11/12)